Friday, February 10, 2012


I failed.  Yes, it's that black and white.  I took an industry specific exam yesterday and failed.  It sucks, I cried. More than anything I am mad at myself.  Mad that I put in dozens of hours studying and preparing, spent that time away from JT and my Hubs.  Mad that I had to go to work today and answer the "did you pass" question what feels like a million times.

I think more than anything my ego is bruised.  I'd like to think that ego doesn't play a roll in this, but I'm certain it does. I am pretty stinking good at my job. I don't miss deadlines, of which there are many, I rarely make errors, and I can usually give the correct answer to any one of the multitude of questions that I'm asked in a day. I deal a lot with other peoples money and investments and I take that very serious.  This test, in addition to one more, will open a new level of work for me.  It will bring on more responsibility, more opportunities, and hopefully more money.  The thing of it is, this test in particular deals exclusively with a part of the business that I don't work in.  Really nobody in my office (or other offices I've worked in) deals much with it at all.  That just makes it all that much harder.  I don't have any real experience to draw from when I study.  I have to be able to apply the logic to an actual even in order for it to make sense.

I'll be taking this stinkin' test again in about 4 weeks.  Wish me luck!! I'll need it.

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