Sunday, January 29, 2012

18 Months

Well it's happened, my Bug.  You are turning 18 months old!  I can't even believe that you have been in my life for a year-and-a-half. The thought of it leaves me almost speachless. If you haven't already learned, I am almost never without something to say.  You are one busy boy these days.  Actually, you have been busy for a long time now.  Always on the move, looking for the next thing to get into.  You are 100% boy, all of the time. Jumping, running, falling down.  I can't even count how many times in a day you tell me you "bonked" something, usually your head or call out that you are "stuuuuck" which is accompanied with much grunting and whining.  Lately you have been asking for a hand and leading us to an activity or just to walk.  I have to say, this melts my heart!  You do love to be the center of attention.

Sent to me from Daddy as encouragement!

According to you are just above average in height at 33 inches and in the 90th percentile for weight at 30 pounds.  That means that there are only 10% of kids heavier than you. My little pork chop!  You are just built solid.  When you play with other boys around your age I am always amazed how flimsy they seem.  I guess it's because I'm used to you!

You are still eating and sleeping like a champ.  Not that I'm surprised. You have always been easy when it comes to that.  The Dr. told me that you would only be taking one nap a day by now.  You however, have not shown ANY interest in dropping a nap. You play hard and wear yourself out!  Sleeping at night isn't an issue either, you are down between 8 and 8:30 every night and up at 6:30-7 in the morning.  Monkey is your sleep buddy, and boy do you love him! The two of you are very cute.  I've convinced you that Monkey doesn't get out of your crib.  Hopefully that way we won't ever lose him!  Lately you have become much more specific about eating.  You know exactly what you want and when you want it. You have no problem telling us when you are done.  Once you've made up your mind you stick to it!  Not another bite goes in.  I'm learning not to push it. When you're done, you're done!  :)

You surprise all of us everday with how smart you are.  You are learning words to songs and love to sing "Tinkle Tinkle" and go on to the next verse without being prompted.  Wheels on the Bus, and Row Row your boat are also big hits.  You can find just about anything we ask you for.  That includes my phone, which you usually had last to watch a "show".  You can pick out yellow and blue colors.  You're not so much into stacking blocks, but you love to knock them down!  I could go on and on. 

Jackson, you have made our lives so much brighter.  You are so incredibly loved.  Thank you for being YOU!


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